How does Wheelhouse understand my unique property?What attributes does Wheelhouse look at?
How does Wheelhouse understand my neighborhood and local demand?What if my listing is in a large city or far from downtown?
Will Wheelhouse simply decrease or increase all my prices?
Can Wheelhouse help improve my occupancy levels?
How does Wheelhouse analyze my booking history?I've had my listing for a long time. Does Wheelhouse look at historical prices?
Do my additional charges and other fees impact my price recommendations?Cleaning fees, extra guest fees, security deposits, taxes, etc.
How does Wheelhouse Pricing impact my guests?
Why are my Wheelhouse Pricing recommendations different across channels for the same listing?Why am I getting different pricing recommendations on Airbnb, TripAdvisor, and the other channels I use?
How often does Wheelhouse Pricing update my prices?How long does the sync take to update prices on my listing's channel?
Hybrid Pricing - September 2022
Local Seasonality Model Improvement FAQsYour (data-driven) listings are receiving much more improved seasonality recommendations... read how!