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Wheelhouse Teams

How to add, edit, or remove team members.

Ryo avatar
Written by Ryo
Updated over a month ago

The Teams feature in Wheelhouse allows you to collaborate seamlessly with other team members, granting them the capability to view or modify listings on your account. You can handle your team's management on any Portfolio page.

Adding New Team Members

Please ensure that the team member you want to invite already has a Wheelhouse account.

To create the free account, click on the link here.

There are 2 ways to add a new Team member to your account:

Profile -> Teams

In your Profile, click on your name in the right-hand corner, then select Teams from the dropdown menu.

On the Profile Teams page, locate and click the +Team Member button and type in the team member's email address.

Portfolio Pages

Alternatively, on Portfolio Pages, find the people icon on the right-hand side of the page. Locate and click the +Team Member button and type in the team member's email address.

Accepting a Team Members' Invitation

After you have invited your team member, please ask them to go to their account, find the News Feed on the upper right, and click on the Review link to accept the invitation to join a team.

Once the teammate clicks on the Review link, it will lead to the Teams page. From here, they will need to click the Accept button to join the team.

Teams Access Management

Before granting permissions, make sure the Teams columns are visible on the Portfolio Settings page.

Click on the people icon to expand the Teams menu.

Select the "Show Teams Columns" option.

The Teams Columns will appear, and you can hide them at any time.

If you want to see this view when visiting your portfolio, click on the gear icon to the right and select Save as default column set.

Permission Levels

  1. Admin - Has full control of the listing, including changes to settings, pricing, automation, and billing tier.

  2. Manager - Can upgrade/downgrade listings and adjust listing access for Editors and Viewers. Managers have access to adjust permissions for all Editors and Viewers who are added to the main Admin account.

  3. Editors* - Can perform all actions like an Admin, except moving the listing to a different billing tier. However, Editors cannot see all users like Admins or Managers.

  4. Viewers - Can view prices and adjust settings but cannot save changes.

* Editors cannot upgrade or downgrade pricing plans; this privilege is reserved for the admin's account and manager members.

Notes and Reminders are viewable by all teammates, regardless of permission levels.

Granting Permissions for Individual or Multiple Listings

To grant permissions for an individual listing:

  1. Locate the specific listing.

  2. Click into the cell under the permission level.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the user you would like to provide permissions for.

Once you have checked the box, you can click on any area outside of the Teams Columns area to save your changes.

To grant permissions for multiple listings:

  1. Click the checkboxes to the left of each listing you would like to grant permissions for.

  2. Locate the specific permission level (Editor, Viewer) and select Edit.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the user you would like to provide permissions for.

Once you have checked the box, you can click any area outside of the Teams Columns area to save your changes.

Removing Permissions for Individual and Multiple Listings

Just like granting permissions, removing permissions uses a very similar process. You will need to locate the listing(s) that a specific team member is added to, click within the Teams column and simply uncheck the box next to that user.

Removing a Team Member

As the Team's Admin, you can remove a member by navigating to your Profile and clicking on Teams.

To remove a team member, click on the bin icon next to that member's name.

Finally, click the Continue button.

How to Leave a Team

Team members can always choose to leave a team that they have been invited to. To do so, go to your Profile, then navigate to the Teams page.

On the Profile Teams page, click the Leave button.

To complete the process of leaving your team, click the Continue button.

Please ensure that the team member you want to invite already has a Wheelhouse account.

To create the free account, click on the link here.

Automatically Assign a Team Role

Assigning a Role

When you set up a teammate with Auto Assignment, they will automatically be assigned the specified role across all new and existing listings in your portfolio.

First, go to Teams under your profile name to start auto-assigning roles (Manager, Editor, or Viewer) to your teammates.

Next, click on the No Auto Assignment dropdown menu to select the role you’d like to assign to your teammates.

Finally, select the desired role to complete the assignment.

Removing Auto Assignment

To remove an assigned role from all existing listings for a user, choose No Auto Assignment from the dropdown.

You can still update listing access for users on an individual basis. For instance, a teammate can be auto-assigned the Editor role, but you can later adjust their access to Manager or Viewer for a specific listing.

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