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Where can I leverage Dynamic Sets in Wheelhouse?
Where can I leverage Dynamic Sets in Wheelhouse?

You have multiple ways to view the metrics from your Dynamic Sets.

Vu avatar
Written by Vu
Updated over 3 months ago

Dynamic Sets can be carried across the Wheelhouse platform to:

  • More accurately benchmark your performance

  • Optimize your pricing strategies

  • Drive better owner comms & retention

  • Merchandising more effectively

  • Acquire new listings

Once you've created a set, you will learn how to view the data from different aspects of the platform.

A. Sets Dashboard

Your Sets Dashboard is where you will be able to create, manage, and view metrics for all of your Sets. Once logged into your Wheelhouse account, click the Sets in the top menu.

  1. Set average - Before diving into the metrics, the set average gives you a quick snapshot of the set's performance metrics.

  2. Assigned listing avg. - You can assign listings to compare your listing's performance to the set's data.

  3. Date Range - You can pivot between evaluating historic or future-looking data.

Set Metrics


  • Dynamic Set needs to be in a paid tier to have access to metrics page.

  • You can check this article on how to subscribe your Dynamic sets to paid tier.

To view the metrics for a specific set, locate the set from the Sets Dashboard and click the Metrics button.

Select the Assigned Listings You Want to Compare

You can now easily select the listings you want to compare when reviewing metrics for a Dynamic Set with assigned listings from your portfolio.

All metrics on the overview page will update to reflect the listings you selected to compare:

  • Highlights

    The ‘Assigned’ number will change depending on how many listings you’re comparing.

  • Booking Pace

    ‘Set’ vs. ‘Assigned’

  • Asking Rate

    Both Aggregated and Individual metrics will update

  • Map

    Assigned listings are shown in green.

After clicking “Metrics” from your Sets Dashboard, you can now:

  1. Click “Compare” in the top right to manage assigned listings.

  2. Select only the assigned listings you want to compare to the set.


Highlights - Similar snapshot of metrics from the Sets Dashboard.

Booking pace - The amount of reservations made for a specific date or range of time (such as last 7 or 14 days).

Asking rate - The daily rate for each listing in the set.

You can check this link to better understand what each metric means.


The Calendar page allows you to see the calendar for every listing in the Set. You can see what dates are booked, blocked, or available and for how much.

This page is only visible for sets with less than 25 listings. If you have a set with 25+ listings, the metrics will be aggregated.


The Metrics page allows you to see individual listings' metrics at a monthly level, such as occupancy, revenue, lead time, and more.

This page is only visible for sets with less than 25 listings. If you have a set with 25+ listings, the metrics will be aggregated.


The Graphs page aggregates the data giving you another way to visualize the metrics.


The Trends page takes the data and displays a year-over-year monthly view of the metrics.

B. Individual Listing Calendar "In-Context"

Whether you're looking at your listing's calendar or want to make adjustments to your Base Price, you can overlay a set's daily rates to compare with your listing. To view a set:

  1. Navigate to a listing within your Wheelhouse account.

  2. Click the Gear icon on the upper right and select the set you want to see in the "In-Context" graph.

  3. Next, to the left of the Gear icon, click the Pricing dropdown and select either Set details or Set aggregate.

  4. The "In-Context" graph will now display your listing's daily rates, as well as the set's rates.

C. Portfolio Metrics

The Portfolio Metrics page provides detailed metrics across your entire portfolio. With Dynamic Sets, you are now able to compare your listing performance with its assigned set. To view a set:

  1. Navigate to the Portfolio Metrics page.

  2. On the top right of the screen, select either:

    1. Total - The set's actual amount.

    2. Difference - The percentage relative difference between your listing and your assigned set.

D. Performance Analytics

The Performance Analytics (your upgraded Bookings tab) enables you to customize the insights that are most important to you. With Dynamic Sets, you are now able to compare your portfolio performance with a Dynamic set. To view a set:

  1. Nagivate to the Performance Analytics page.

  2. At the top, click the Add comparison button.

  3. Hover over Sets and select the set you want to compare with.

  4. Now all of the categories, such as Highlights, Sales Analysis, or Monthly Pacing will incorporate the set's metrics.

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