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How do I customize prices for each day of the week?
How do I customize prices for each day of the week?

My weekend prices are always different than my weekday prices. How do I adjust the price for each day of the week?

Vu avatar
Written by Vu
Updated over a week ago

Based on your listing's market, Wheelhouse will automatically adjust the prices for your listing's weekends (Friday and Saturday). However, you can also control the weekday and weekend prices by changing your preferences or creating a custom setting.Β 

  1. Select the specific listing for which you'd like to adjust weekend prices.

  2. On the Settings page, click on Day of Week on the left panel.

  3. By default, Recommended is selected. More Conservative lowers the weekend pricing, while More Aggressive raises the weekend pricing.


The Conservative strategy tends to work well in urban cities like San Francisco, where weekday and weekend prices tend to be fairly close. While the Aggressive strategy is more favorable in vacation rental towns where most guests tend to stay for the weekend.

Data-Driven Option

There are several ways you can adjust your Day of Week on Wheelhouse. Under the Data-driven option, you can pick between the three pre-set options.

  • Recommended: This is the recommended adjustment by Wheelhouse.

  • More Conservative: This option will reduce your weekend.

  • More Aggressive: This option will increase the value for weekends.

Rule-Based Option

You can also pick a Rule-based option instead, which then provides you with a lot more flexibility around customization.

Day of week default

The default that you want to be setting for your Day of Week options throughout the next rolling 18 months.

Monthly rules

  1. Click the "Add new rule +" button, then select March.

  2. You can input the different day of the week adjustments based on the months of your choice here.

  3. Click the Save change button on the lower left side of the page.

Time-based rules

The ability to adjust your Day of Week based on the time from today, whether it's within a specific period or after a specific period from today.

Please note: Time-based rules will override the monthly rules, day of week, and the demand sensitivity default.

  1. Click the "Add new rule +" button.

  2. Select Within or After.

  3. Enter the percentage value for the day of your choice.

  4. Click the Save change button on the lower left of the page.

Date-specific rules

The ability to adjust your Day of Week for a specified date range of your choosing, be it a special event, holiday, or just a specific timeframe you would like to be adjusting very specifically.

  1. Click the "Add new rule +" button.

  2. Select the date range and enter the Day of Week percentage. If you want the Date-Specific Minimum Stay to be a recurring rule, you can check the Yearly box.

  3. Click the Save change button on the lower left of the page.


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