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Hide and Unhide Listings on my Wheelhouse Dashboard
Hide and Unhide Listings on my Wheelhouse Dashboard

I have listings that we don't use Wheelhouse Pricing and I want to remove them from my Wheelhouse Dashboard.

Vu avatar
Written by Vu
Updated over a month ago

While deleting a listing can only be done through the listing's channel or PMS, you can now hide your listing from the Active section of your Wheelhouse Dashboard.

How to Hide a Listing

  1. From the Active or Hypothetical tab of your dashboard, look for the listing that you want to hide.

  2. Click the Hide button (slashed eye icon) at the right end of the listing's row.

  3. Select the OK button on the pop-up message that will appear confirming if "Do you want to hide the listing?"

  4. The listing will be moved from the Active tab to the Hidden tab of the dashboard.

How to Unhide a Listing

  1. From your dashboard, click the Hidden tab to see the listing/s that you've hidden.

  2. Look for the listing and click the Unhide button (eye icon) at the right end of the listing's row.

  3. Select the OK button on the pop-up message that will appear confirming if "Do you want to unhide the listing?"

  4. The listing will be moved from the Hidden tab to the Active tab of the dashboard.


  • Hiding listings don’t turn off automation and move listing to Free.

  • If you don’t want to sync, you need to turn off automation for your listing.

  • You also need to move the listing to free from your subscription page to avoid future charges.

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