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How do I set a minimum stay?

Does Wheelhouse account for orphan nights?

Vu avatar
Written by Vu
Updated over a month ago

While setting a Global minimum stay will apply to your listing's entire calendar, you also have the ability to set a custom minimum stay for specific days in the year and allow for orphan nights!

  1. Select the specific listing you'd like to set a minimum stay.

  2. On the Settings page, click on Minimum Stays on the left panel. 

How To Set Your Minimum Stay

You can also go to your calendar and select a date or date range and from your left panel set a specific minimum stay for those dates. This will create a date-specific minimum stay rule on your minimum stay setting.

Note: The hierarchy for the various minimum stay rules from highest to lowest priority:

  • Date-specific rules have the highest priority and will override all other minimum stay rules.

  • Time-based rules will override Monthly Rules, Day of Week, and Global Minimum Stay rules.

  • Monthly Rules will override Day of Week and Global Minimum Stay rules.

  • Day of Week rules will override the Global Minimum Stay rule.

  • Global Minimum Stay is the default requirement.

  • Gap Nights will impact all the rules except for the Date-specific rule.

Global minimum stay

Set a global minimum stay by entering the desired amount below Global Minimum Stay and clicking Save Changes on the bottom left of the page.

Day of week minimum stays

Set a minimum stay by Day of Week. If a reservation includes any of these days, the minimum required length of stay will be the greatest value of the days selected.

Please note

  • Adjustments made here will override your global minimum stay settings.

  • This feature on Airbnb is based on the minimum stay on the check-in date

Monthly rules

This feature allows you to set Day of Week Minimum Stays for specific months. This will override the generic Day of Week Minimum Stays set for your listing. For example, you can set longer minimum stays for December depending on the check-in date.

  1. Click the "Add Monthly rule +" button then select December.

  2. After that, set the minimum stays for each day of the week for December.

  3. Click Save Change on the lower left of the page.

Time-based minimum stays

Create rules to automatically adjust the minimum night stay for stay dates within and beyond a specific number of days from the booking date.

Please note: this will override the Monthly Rules, Day of Week, and Global Minimum Night Stays.

  1. Click Add time-based rule.

  2. Select Within or After. 

  3. Add the number of days and number of nights required

  4. Click Save Change on the lower left of the page. 

Specify by month

This feature allows you to set Time-based Minimum Stays for specific months. For example, if you want the Time-based minimum stay to be applicable for January only:

  1. Click the Specify by month button on top of the time-based minimum stay requirement.

  2. Click January from the months that will appear below the Time-based minimum stay requirement:

  3. Click Save change on the lower left of the page.

Specify by week

This feature will allow you to set Time-based Minimum Stays for certain day/s of the week.

  1. Click the Specify by day of week button on top of the time-based minimum stay requirement.

  2. Then set the minimum stay for each day of the week:

  3. Click Save change on the lower left of the page.

One-sided gap rules

This feature will allow you to set gap night rules for stay dates that are part of a one-sided gap.

  1. Click the Add gap rule + button

  2. Then set a gap night rule for dates before and/or after unavailability.

  3. Click Save Change on the lower left of the page.

+ Monthly

You can also set a one-sided gap rule for certain month/s.

  1. Click the gear icon next to the gap night rule, then select + Monthly.

  2. Select the month/s where you want the one-sided gap rules will be applied. For example, January, February and March.

  3. Click Save Change on the lower left of the page.

+ Day of Week

  1. Click the gear icon next to the gap night rule, then select + Day of Week.

  2. Enter the gap night rules for each day of the week

  3. Click Save Change on the lower left of the page.

Date-Specific minimum stays

Create custom minimum stays for specific date ranges, such as holidays or events.

Please note: gap night functionality will not apply to date-specific minimum night stays.

  1. Click the Add another date-specific rule + button:

  2. Select the date range and enter the minimum stay. If you want to Date-Specific Minimum Stay to be a recurring rule, you can check the Yearly box.

  3. Click Save Change on the lower left of the page.

Gap Nights

Gap nights - Automatically lower minimum night stays for gap periods smaller than the current minimum night requirement. (e.g. global is set to 3 nights, but there was a Tuesday and Wednesday available. Wheelhouse will automatically drop the 3 nights to 2 nights to ensure guests can book those days.) You can also set a Min and Max Lead Time if you only want the gap nights to be applicable under or beyond a certain number of day/s from the current date.

  • Min. lead time sets the earliest possible starting day for the gap night rule to take effect.

  • Max. lead time sets the longest period in advance that the gap night rule can be applied.

  • Buffer adjusts the minimum stay requirement based on the available gap. For example, if there is a 5-night gap and a 2-night buffer, the minimum stay for the impacted nights would be 3 nights.

We will never create minimum stay gap rules that are shorter than your smallest allowed gap.

For example, if you have a 5-night stay and there is a 3-night gap, adding a gap night buffer of 1 will reduce the minimum stay rule for the gap to 2 nights.

To quickly bulk edit the Gap Night Buffers in the Minimum Stay settings, you can do so on the Portfolio Settings page.

Orphan Nights

Wheelhouse does account for orphan nights in our algorithm to ensure we factor in whether nights are isolated or not. This means lowering the price for gap days which are squeezed in between booked and blocked dates in the calendar.

The Listing Availability Impact shows you how much we reduce that day's price due to being a gap day.


  • Longer minimum stays will decrease the number of cleanings, which means more potential revenue, while shorter minimum stays will lead to more reservations on the whole.

  • Wheelhouse will override all other settings that correspond with Airbnb, like calendar prices, global minimum stays, specific minimum stays for certain date ranges, etc.

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