How to Change Your Password
If you ever need to change your email or password for your Wheelhouse account, you can do so easily from the Settings page (as shown below).
Once signed into Wheelhouse, click on your name on the upper right.Β
Click on Your Profile.
Email β Enter the new email address and click Save Changes.
Password β Enter the new password twice, as well as your current password, and click Save Changes.Β
Note: Password requires the following:
10 characters minimum
At least 1 uppercase character
At least 1 lowercase character
At least one number
At least one special character (e.g., !, $, %, etc.)
How to Reset Your Password
If you've forgotten your password or are having trouble logging in to your Wheelhouse account, you can always reset your password.
From the login page (as shown above), click on the Forgot your password? link.
Enter your email address (as shown above) and click Email reset instructions. You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password.
Note: If you don't see your password reset email, make sure to check your email's spam folder.